Thursday 3 May 2012

Getting ready

So, how many pairs of bib shorts do you own? Ok, unfair question for most of you reading this, but, as it turns out, in my case, it's a surprising number. It would also be fair to admit that Marianne has probably thought for a long time that, whatever the number, its definitely just slightly too many.
However, this is one of the few occasions where this vast volume of lycra is to my advantage. The weather forecast for next week at least suggests we'll need every bit of dry clothing we can take with us, so I'm packing everything I can find.

And the bike has needed a bit of prep too: new bomb-proof tyres, a carbon seat post (hopefully taking some of the worst of the road out of the ride) a new cassette and, specially for John, new mudguards. You can get surprisingly wet behind a bike with no mudguards. Belated apologies for our practice ride John!

I am so glad we have a car with us for each day - Not having to carry everything on the bike is a huge boon and so grateful to Mary - John's wife - for being chaufuese (not sure that's correct but it sounds good!). We leave on saturday afternoon to get to Land's End so we can start early enough on Sunday - after we've taken the obligatory photos of course.  

So enough prep. Time to get riding.


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